Mesnac Co.,Ltd"going out", Vietnam and Cambodia build factories at the same time!

June 13,2024

On June 12, SMesnac Co.,Ltd. announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Qingdao Soft Control Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., plans to raise its own funds to invest and build factories in Vietnam and Cambodia at the same time.

SMesnac Co.,Ltd. plans to invest in the construction of the project of SMesnac United Technology (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. in Vietnam, with a total investment of about 107 million yuan, and invest in the construction of SMesnac United Technology (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. in Cambodia, with a total investment of about 27.97 million yuan.

The purpose of the investment is to better meet the needs of overseas markets and further enhance the ability to respond to international trade barriers, which is of great significance to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and expand market share.

The two projects will increase the production and sales of the company's mold products, improve the sales revenue of mold products, and increase the annual net profit by about 13 million yuan. With the gradual production of the project, the scale of operating income and net profit will gradually increase.

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