Major breakthrough in tire material technology! Chinese scientists break new ground

December 26,2023

Aviation tire manufacturing process is extremely complex, known as the "crown pearl" in the field of tire manufacturing, but for a long time, its core manufacturing technology is only controlled by a few foreign companies.

In order to break through the key core technology, Chinese scientists have opened up a new track and proposed a technical route of "bionic synthetic rubber".

After years of joint research, the scientific research team has achieved an important breakthrough in bionic synthetic rubber technology by imitating the molecular structure and key chemical components of natural rubber this year, and completed the whole chain of penetration and application verification of aviation tire localization technology.

Located in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, the aviation tire Science Center has recently completed the installation of equipment and some functional debugging, after completion and operation will lay the foundation for the bionic synthetic rubber manufacturing of aviation tires eventually to industrialization.

After repeated testing, the bionic synthetic rubber aviation tire developed by Chinese scientists and sent here can achieve more than 35% higher service life than the aviation tire made of natural rubber under extreme working conditions.

The problem of raw material supply has been solved, and one of the steps in the localization of new civil aviation tires has been realized.

Batches of bionic synthetic rubber roll off the production line at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Changchun, Jilin province. After being packed in blocks, they are sent to a manufacturing plant for the manufacture of a new batch of aviation tire samples.

How to develop aviation tire products with strong performance and market competitiveness, so as to open up the "last kilometer" of scientific and technological achievements? This is another problem facing researchers.

Elastomer functional composite materials laboratory can perform various performance verification tests on tire rubber material formulations to provide data for tire design.

Researchers have independently developed a new set of digital tire industry software to simultaneously realize tire structure design and performance prediction. In the software, the tire data, force conditions and other factors are clear, not only can achieve submillimeter spatial resolution design, but also greatly shorten the original process and development time.

In order to achieve the goal of independent control of the core technology of aviation tires, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, relying on the special project of "Bionic synthetic rubber", has completed the full chain penetration and application verification of aviation tire localization technology, achieved two original technological breakthroughs of "0 to 1" bionic synthetic rubber and digital tire industry software, and mastered 41 core technologies. So that China in the aviation tire industry out of a completely different from the western countries on the road of innovation.

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