Groundbreaking Ceremony for China's First Tire Factory in Mexico!

May 23,2024

Mexico local time on May 15, the annual production of 6 million PCT project of the Cylun Group and Mexico Tire Direct (hereinafter referred to as "TD Company") was held in Irapuato City, Guanajuato State, Mexico.  Guanajuato Governor Diego Vallejo, Irapuato acting Mayor Rodelfo, National Rubber and Tire Engineering and Technology Research Center Director, Ciron Group honorary chairman Yuan Zhongxue, TD company president Gonzalo Santa Malina and other attended the ceremony.

The Mexican tire project is an important destination for Cylun Group to "go global". After the construction of a factory in Southeast Asia, it is of great significance for Cylun Group and TD Company to jointly invest in the construction of a tire production base in Mexico, which will further improve the global strategic layout of Cylun Group and better meet the product needs of global users, especially in the North American market. Enhance the competitiveness and share of Cylun Group in the global market.

The project has been Mexico's Guanajuato state government, Irapuato city government strong support, after half a year of efforts, Cylun Group and TD company mobilized the best resources to break ground in the shortest time, becoming the first tire company in Malabis Industrial Park, but also the first Mexican local tire company, China's first tire company in Mexico.


Governor Diego Vallejo said in his speech that the trip to China two months ago fully understood the advanced tire manufacturing level and strong company strength of the sylun, deepened the trust in the sylun, and strengthened the determination to accelerate the landing of the project.


Yuan Zhongxue said in his speech that today is a new starting point, new opportunity and new direction for the comprehensive cooperation between Sylun and TD Company, and it is also a deeper cooperation between the rubber tire business of Mexico and China from market to factory to technology.

Cylun Group will send the best management team and technical team to build a "flexible factory" different from traditional tire manufacturing, and apply the "Oak chain Cloud" industrial Internet and a full set of intelligent equipment and other advantages of the whole industry chain resources, and work together to build the world's more advanced, more intelligent, more environmentally friendly tire manufacturing factory, for the sustainable social development of mankind. To provide green and safe products for public travel.


Gonzalo Santamarina reviewed the history of TD Company and Sylun Group working hand in hand, and thanked all parties for their efforts and support for the establishment of the joint venture. The joint venture is expected to give full play to the advantages of the two companies and help the development and growth of the Mexican tire industry.

Mexico, which borders the United States, is the world's fourth largest exporter of auto parts, fifth largest exporter of cars and seventh largest producer of cars.  Cylun Group has advantages in tire production technology, international production base operation management, etc.  TD Company is the largest tire dealer in Mexico, with a perfect sales network and rich experience in localized operation, and is a dealer with whom Cylun Group has cooperated for many years, with good business cooperation.

This "strong combination", Cylun Group will use the advantages in intelligent manufacturing, technology, industry chain and other aspects, and join hands with TD company in Mexico to open a new journey of globalization strategic layout, and jointly "do a good tire" for global users.

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